His Pet Human Page 8
“These proceedings are closed. Ibis, we will file a Certificate of Ownership for your pet. In addition, given the potential usefulness of earthlings, the board requires that you file weekly reports detailing all aspects of your pet. We will also dispatch an observation platform to monitor Earth. Together they will allow us to determine when to start harvesting healthy females and what attributes to look for in them.”
“It will be my pleasure,” Ibis replied.
‘All aspects’? Oh, I can only imagine what that will mean.
Ibis snapped her leash on and led her from the building. As they did, a bunch of hovering camera machines encircled them. It was quickly apparent that these were their version of the news.
“What are your plans for your pet, Ibis? Will you attempt siring offspring with her?” one said.
“Will you seek reinstatement at the Alien Collection Center?” another said.
“Will you seek a regress of your grievance with your supervisor?”
“I bear him no animosity,” Ibis replied.
“Isn’t it true he dismissed you without just cause? And isn’t it also true he’s a member of the Anti-Big Party?”
“No comment! Now please, let me through,” he snapped, waving at the drones as if they were mosquitoes.
Once in his hover car, they zipped off, and he immediately turned to embrace her.
“Ibis, the road! Don’t you have to drive?”
“Not at all, the auto-pilot will get us home safely.”
“Wow, a self-driving car. Man, if the folks back home could see this, they’d be blown away.”
“Actually, soon you will be able to see them.”
Her brow wrinkled as they each sat back. “I will? How?”
“The platform the board is going to send there. It’ll orbit your world, record and beam to us your radio and television signals, and observe the people and events going on down there.”
“You mean I could see all that stuff?”
“Exactly, which would be a help to us in understanding some aspects of human life. Interested, my pet?”
“Yes,” she squeaked in joy.
He smiled. “I thought you might. Now, let’s get home and get you washed and fed. Master wants to play with his pet.”
Crystal just about glowed with delight, then looked out the windshield as they pulled into the drive, and scowled.
She was back.
As Ibis got out, Crystal’s jaw dropped. Flirt had a new uniform. Standing there like some sort of babe at a hotrod show, she posed seductively next to her car in the shortest hot pants Crystal had ever seen.
Damn, girl, why don’t you just wear a t-shirt that says: ‘Spank Me’ across the back with an arrow pointing at your ass?
She practically growled as Ibis led her toward the vile bitch.
“Good afternoon, Officer, and what brings you to my home today? You finally get that warrant?”
“No need,” she said, waving a small flat screen device. “Just saw the live feed of the news report on you and your little… pet.”
“She has a tiny TV she carries with her? Wow, talk about super sci-fi stuff!”
“Was that how it talks?” Flirt said, standing up straight and glaring at her. “What did it say? Was it about me?”
“Calm yourself, Officer. Yes, that was Earth-speak, but outside my home and car I don’t have a translator.”
Flirt frowned and drew nearer. She was only about a foot taller than Crystal, but she had quite the powerful build, and could be intimidating when she wanted.
“I still think it was talking about me,” she snapped. “I don’t like the way it’s looking at me!”
“Oh yeah?” Crystal sneered. “Then be glad you can’t hear me tell you to go fuck yourself, then go jump in a lake, and then fuck off.”
Ibis tugged on her leash. “Settle down,” he said under his breath, and turned to Flirt. “Perhaps you should depart. If you’re not going to search the place or arrest me, I think we’re done here.”
He moved to head for the house. Flirt stepped right up close to him and put both hands on his broad chest. She gazed into his eyes for at least a full minute before speaking.
“Oh, we’re far from done. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been reassigned. Special detail. I’m to keep my eyes on you and your little… animal. To that end, the department has built me a little house right behind yours. I’ll be able to watch you very closely, at all times.”
Crystal felt her blood pressure soar.
“So, I’ll finally have a neighbor,” Ibis said casually. “Won’t that be nice?”
“It will if you ever have anything to confess,” Flirt said, turning for her car. “When you feel the… need, come see me, my door will always be unlocked.”
Opening her car door, she bent way over, bending at the waist. Her shorts rode up so high at least half her ass was bare. That was the last straw. Crystal could feel her blood pounding in her temples. She dashed over and kicked the little hussy right in her curvy bottom. Flirt squealed, her hand flying to her bruised cheek, and she spun to face them as Ibis pulled Crystal away.
“Ow! Why, the little savage, she attacked me.”
“Now, now, she was merely defending her territory. I apologize, Officer, and assure you she will be punished.”
Flirt grumbled. “I don’t know. I suppose I could be convinced not to file a report, in exchange for… something.”
Now Crystal truly seethed. “You-you… blackmailing bitch cunt whore!”
Ibis obviously picked up on her rising anger, and gave her leash a small tug.
“What might that be?” he said.
“Meet with me tomorrow night at Supernova’s to discuss proper training techniques for your little critter.”
He sighed. “Very well. Shall we say seven?”
She grinned. “We shall.”
Sauntering to her car, she flew off.
“Guess her broomstick was in the shop,” Crystal grumbled.
“I do not understand the connotation of that statement, but I would deduce it is a negative one.”
Crystal shot so high in the air that she almost got yanked down by reaching the limit of her leash. Staggering about for a moment while she caught her breath, her heart felt as if it was going to burst from her chest.
“How… what… you? B-b-but you said you don’t have a translator! Where could you have one?”
“I only said that to avoid any unpleasant issues with Flirt,” he said sternly, and pointed at the side of his head. “At our meeting last night, Jolt showed off her new invention: a micro unit that implants under the skin near the ear. So, what do you have to say for yourself regarding your conduct with the officer?”
She swallowed hard. “She started it!”
“Uh-huh. All right, little pet, come with me,” he said, tugging her toward the house.
Oh, now what?
Chapter Eight
Inside they went, Ibis made them dinner and they ate, and then it was off to the bathroom for a thorough cleaning.
Sitting next to the tub, he gently scrubbed her. “So, my pet, what am I to do with you?”
“It wasn’t my fault,” she whined. “She’s the most shameless flirt I’ve ever seen!”
“She is that, I must admit, and what, you felt I’m incapable of resisting her charms?”
“I… um, well… she still started it.”
“And you were being loyal and protective, and I appreciate that. However, your actions were inappropriate. We do not assault people, most especially members of Code Enforcement. If she filed charges against us you would have been in terrible trouble. Remember, you are a pet, you have no rights under our laws.”
She shrank down in the water. “I sorry.”
He smiled and cupped her chin in his large hand. “That’s my pet. To be honest, I think you were right. So, while punishment is called for, it won’t be severe, this time.”
“Yes, sir, thank you,” she said meekly.<
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He popped the plug, wrapped her in a huge towel, and gently dried her.
“Go to my room, put the chair facing the window and in the center of the room, and then stand at the window looking out. I will be with you presently.”
“Y-y-yes, sir,” she choked out.
She dashed there. Despite being newly dried, her inner thighs were now damp. Standing there, scanning the yard, she saw the bitch’s new place. Crystal literally growled. The place was so damn cute; it looked like something out of a fairy tale. She grinned.
Yeah, it’s the witch’s cottage out of Hansel and Gretel!
The chair creaked behind her. Her back stiffened.
“Come here,” he ordered.
She did so, meekly crawling across his lap. As his hands took up their usual position, movement outside caught her attention. Flirt was standing at the back fence.
Crystal groaned. Great, not only do I get punished, but she gets to watch.
Smack, his hand struck. She squeaked and then gasped as his left hand shifted. He reached under her to cup and squeeze her breasts. If this was a punishment, it was the weirdest one she’d ever gotten.
“Who is my naughty pet?” he said smugly, pinching her nipple as he delivered a firm spank.
“Ohhh,” she moaned, gasping for air. Then she truly squealed.
Ibis had shifted his right leg; his knee now ground into her pussy as he continued to spank and tease her body.
“Answer me,” he snapped.
“Ouch, ohhh, I-I am, Master, so very, very naughty.”
“That is so,” he replied casually. “And what does a naughty pet deserve?”
“Oh-oh ouch, ow, a-a spanking, sir. Oh! You-you must sp-spank me wi—ouch—without mercy.”
He laughed, picking up the pace of all of her torments. “Oh, have no worries, I shall!”
He did. Over and over his firm hand connected with her naked ass as his other tickled and teased her breasts. All the while his knee thrust into her pussy until it was drenched in her juices and she was wailing out her delight. Then, just as she was nearing a wonderful climax, he stopped.
He literally stopped everything!
Crystal lay there shivering from her adrenaline rush, the sweat dripping from her body as she tried to catch her breath. His hands spread her legs. Her eyebrows shot up as a device invaded her pussy and she truly squealed. Then something else entered her ass. Lifting her head to look around, his hands were suddenly on hers. Before she could ask what was going on, he’d locked gloves on her. She recognized them; they were similar to the ones she wore when they snuck into the lab. He slid her down to kneel next to the chair and got to his feet. Taking stock of herself, she found the device in her pussy was also locked in place, and her gloves were so thick that she couldn’t feel much of anything or wiggle her fingers. The final touch was a tail! He’d put the one they’d used before in her.
“M-master, wha-what is all this?”
He opened the closet door and turned to her with a grin. “Part one of your new training program, and your punishment for your actions today. I need to ensure you stay healthy and fertile. Now comes part two.”
Crystal gasped at the item he rolled out: a new cage. It was bigger than the one he’d rolled her to the zoo in, but not much. She’d be able to crawl around in it, but that’s all.
He opened the door and gestured for her to enter. “Inside now.”
With a whimper, she did so, crawling across the room and meekly climbing in. He locked the door and grinned down at her.
“But, why these and… this, and the… other?” she said, holding up her hands, briefly pointing between her legs, and gesturing at her butt.
“The gloves will ensure you don’t hurt yourself while I’m away. As for the lock, now that I know how fertile you are, I must guard against anyone else impregnating you,” he said, then shrugged. “As for the tail… eh, I just like it. Now, you will wait here until I’m ready for the next phase.”
He left, and Crystal was alone with her torment. His multiple stimuli kept her body enflamed, and the gloves and lock prevented her from any manual release. Even touching her breasts did nothing for her, and so she paced her cage on all fours as her fire pushed her closer to madness.
Damn, he’s good at coming up with a new punishment. Take me close to orgasm, slam on the brakes, and then make certain I can’t masturbate. God, when is he coming back? I’m going to have a meltdown if I don’t get fucked soon!
She froze as she caught sight of activity in the yard. Ibis was standing at the fence chatting with her. The fire in her pussy became an all-consuming inferno. Now she truly felt like a caged animal, a tigress hungry for her mate. It seemed like hours, but he finally came inside. Yet, still she waited. It was almost another hour before he casually strolled into the bedroom.
Crystal seized the bars and rattled them. “Please, please now!”
He snickered and pulled down the bed covers. “All in good time, my pet.”
She whimpered, but didn’t complain. He took an equally long time getting undressed and laying out some equipment on the bed.
“Unlock,” he said.
The cage door swung open.
“Come here,” he ordered.
Crystal scampered across the floor on all fours and jumped onto the bed. “Thank you!”
“Hold still and I shall prepare you,” he said, picking up a stout strap.
She cringed, but did so. Working quickly, he secured her arms behind her back, put a blindfold on her, and locked a strange sort of muzzle over her mouth. It forced her to hold her mouth open just a little. The bed creaked under his weight. He’d obviously climbed in right in front of her.
“We continue your training to ensure you will properly please me. Do well and I will give you the release you hunger for.”
Crystal was unable to respond in any fashion. His massive hands wrapped about her head, forcing her down, and his long rigid cock entered her mouth. He thrust and drove it deep into her, first the tip and then a good portion of the shaft going down her throat. She licked and swirled her tongue about it, feeling each pulse and throb as she sucked and savored the taste of his flesh.
“Ah, you’re very good at this, my pet,” he said between groans.
Using his hands, he guided her head to move with his actions back and forth over and over, and then she tasted the sweetness of his hot cum as he shot his load. She swallowed and swallowed as he filled her mouth to almost overflowing, and she kept sucking it down until she drank every drop.
“Ah, so splendid, for a first effort,” he said. “Now we go to the other end.”
Crystal licked her lips. Finally! I’m about to explode.
Her head was still down and she wasn’t allowed to raise it. His long powerful arms engulfed her, guided her, forced her into position: head on the bed, ass high, and he pulled her tail out. A moment later, his once more rigid cock slipping between her smoldering cheeks.
Oh, God, he’s going to take me in the ass! This is going to be beyond just amazing.
His hands enveloped the sides of her head and she was plunged into silence. The hard thrusts and pounding of his hips quickly took her into a state of bliss. Ibis had clearly put plugs in her ears. Locked in the realm of total oblivion, silent and sightless, and completely secured, she had no choice but to focus on what she felt.
His firm hips slammed into her hot cheeks. His hands caressed her back and held her waist. Hard fingernails raked her supple flesh, and that massive cock thrust deep into her ass. She wailed, her breathing coming hot and fast, her muscles flexed, and she could feel every bump, every pulsating artery on his engorged shaft.
She climaxed, screaming out her pleasure as she heaved against her straps, and he just kept thrusting away. Crystal’s mind crumbled as orgasm built on orgasm and she drifted off into subspace, and she shrieked, her throat raw giving voice to her endless delight.
Total oblivion came.
She awoke in the morning and
immediately took stock of her body. Her ‘chastity device’ was still locked in place, as were her gloves, and her tail was back. Yet, despite the pounding her ass had gotten, she wasn’t sore. Ibis probably gave her a dose of the healer while she slept. She managed to pull a simple little dress on and then headed to the kitchen. Her nose told her breakfast was just about ready.
He turned toward the door as she entered, all smiles. “Ah, there’s my little one. Come, sit, we need to eat and get to the center.”
She took a seat and he removed her gloves, and then served their meal.
“Ah, we are going there? Why we?”
“We’re sending the observation platform to Earth today. Once the data starts coming in, we’ll want you to help process it.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Me? You want me to… work with you at the center? I get to be a… a scientist and analyze stuff? So, the alien study place is giving me a job?”
Ibis chuckled as he poured some of their milk in her bowl. “It’s a position, Crystal. We don’t use the terms ‘job’ or ‘work,’ as we don’t have money.”
“No money? So, how do I get paid?”
“You don’t. Our economy doesn’t work that way. People do what they’re best suited for and want to do. It’s vital that each member of society participate and contribute as much as possible to the collective good.”
She scratched her ear. “I don’t get it.”
“It’s all right; you’ll learn with time and assimilate.”
“Assimilate, collective, sounds like communism or something out of a sci-fi movie. My dad is always saying you got to watch out for them reds.”
“Reds? Communism? The words have no meaning to me,” Ibis said, cocking his head at her. “You will have to explain those in your first report. Now, come on, eat, and we will go. Zenith, Glump, and even Klurg can’t wait to learn more about your race, especially women like you.”
Later, riding in the car, his words echoed in her mind, and she turned to him.
“Ibis, I’m curious, why are your men so obsessed with… me? Well, I mean, Earth women. You told me once that Mari needed women, but you sure seem to have plenty, and ones like Flirt are definitely available! So, what’s the deal?”