His Pet Human Page 4
“I sorry, I sorry, I sorryyyyy,” she howled.
She tried to use the gestures, but she couldn’t keep her hands in the right positions long enough, and so she cried out her pleas. It was pointless and she knew it, it all sounded like meaningless chirps to Ibis, but she couldn’t think straight, and was soon reduced to a crying young lady who was very sorry for being bad. Only when she was bawling hard was she sent to the corner to wait while he got her clothes. Her dress looked new.
Once in the living room, he sat in his chair and she reclined on the couch. She could tell he was thinking about something. Waiting for a few minutes, as she figured he wanted to give her time to calm down, she finally gestured to him.
He grinned. “Can’t keep anything from you, can I? Yes, I have something on my mind, and I want to talk to you about it, but… well, I was concerned about bringing it up now. Why? You got punished, and I don’t want you to feel pressured to agree. Well, okay, here goes. Gem, it’s clear you’re intelligent, and I want Mari to know that, but they won’t listen to me, at least not alone. I’m a member of a group of… similar individuals. Um, biggies, and I have an idea. How about I bring you to our next meeting? If I—we can convince them, maybe they can help us. Would you be willing to do that?”
Crystal didn’t know what to think. While the prospect of being around other big people like Ibis was scary, if they were as open and accepting as he was, maybe she could convince them she wasn’t just an animal. So, she agreed.
There were a couple of conditions. As the authorities were looking for her, he’d have to smuggle her to the meeting place. Second, and most important, as it was a secret meeting the members were a bit paranoid, and so Crystal would have to act in a very submissive nature until they were comfortable with her.
She still agreed.
The next evening, they got ready. Once her collar and leash were on, Ibis got her in the backseat of what he called his hover car and covered her with a blanket, and off they zipped. She’d never felt such a smooth gentle ride, or one that went so fast. Peeking out, she saw the trees and buildings rush by in a blur.
Man, this thing is like a jet!
A beep sounded from the console and Ibis read the display.
“Phone on. Yes, Zenith, what can I do for you?”
Wow, a phone in his car that shows him who’s calling and is voice-activated. These people and their technology are incredible.
“I finished the RE on that sludge in the probe, like you asked, and it turns out to be clothing.”
“Clothing? Well, what happened to it?”
“I think it was a chemical reaction with the sedative gas released by the probe before it entered hyperspace.”
Ibis slowly rubbed his chin. “I see, her clothes literally melted from her body. Thank you, Zenith, that is most helpful,” he said, hung up, and turned to look over the seat at her. “Yet another piece of proof that you are smarter than we thought. Ah, here we are.”
Crystal smiled as he pulled into some sort of underground garage and parked. There was hope for her yet. He popped the door, gathered her up in his arms, covered her with the blanket, and headed for a large dark metal door.
“Identity,” a woman’s soft voice said.
“Ibis, member ident four two.”
The door opened and he entered, and the hubbub of voices surrounded them. It was clear many people knew him, he was greeted warmly, and some asked what he’d brought to share tonight. Crystal understood. This was something they’d reviewed before coming. The members often brought inventions or new developments in their lives to get help and input from the others. Moving to a small stage area, Ibis stood her next to him, still with the blanket over her, and held her leash.
“Everyone, I have something truly special to show you. Please gather around.”
Many footsteps sounded before her. She shivered a bit, took a deep breath, and waited.
“My friends, please stay calm, no loud noises, and treat her with respect,” he said, taking ahold of the blanket.
“Her?” several people said softly.
The blanket was lifted away, multiple gasps sounded throughout the room, and Crystal kept her gaze at the floor.
“This is my little pet Gem. Surveyor Probe Twenty-Four brought her back from Planet LV-42, it’s in Solar System H-821.”
The questions started and Ibis answered them.
What was it, could it speak, and did it bite? As the Q and A continued, several people drew near to study her, and she finally saw their faces and looked them in the eye.
It made her feel better that they smiled at her.
“She’s beautiful,” Jolt, a lovely young woman said.
She was like everyone else in the group: huge. At least seven feet tall with broad shoulders and a massive build, she had long red hair. She kind of reminded Crystal of Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra, she had that faraway exotic look, but she didn’t have much of a chest.
“What did you say the large tendrils on her upper body are called?” she said.
“Those are her breasts, just like ours.”
Giddy, a nearly eight foot tall young man, giggled. “Those are not anything like ours. I mean, interstellar! Can I touch them?”
Crystal’s hand rose to cover them. While she was dressed, it was simple and minimal: snug little shorts and a tank top. Ibis wanted to give her cover, yet show off her body as much as possible.
“What did I say? She is a sentient being! You will treat her with respect,” Ibis snapped.
“Yeah, yeah, so you say,” Giddy shot back. “Where’s your proof?”
“Well, that’s where I need your help. I did some tests and satisfied myself, but then I realized that the Science Board will never accept just my word.”
Jolt grunted. “You got that right! On something this big, they wouldn’t accept your word even if you were a norm. Frankly, Ibis, even if all of us sign on to the results, even if we record them, there’s no way the board will accept the findings. We’re bigs, which means we’re second class citizens.”
Chapter Four
“My friends, I understand the challenges we face,” Ibis said. “However, I have an idea. Help me record these tests and I’ll present them to the board. None of you even have to be there or sign your names to it. My hope is that a holo-vid of her will be enough for them to order their own tests, and then they’ll believe me.”
Many hands went up.
“So, Ibis, how many worlds in H-821 have life?” Giddy said.
“Just LV-42,” he replied. “According to the probe’s telemetry, it only visited the one planet.”
Giddy’s brow wrinkled. “Really? You mean it didn’t even scan or visit the others?”
Ibis rubbed his chin. “Huh, you know what? It didn’t! According to the star charts, the solar system has nine planets and a number of moons, but the probe only went to that one world. Its standard search program would have directed it to visit each planet and moon, take soil and air samples, and then move on to the next one. Damn, I wish I’d been part of the team that designed the probes; I’d know the search parameters they used in selecting a planet to investigate. As it stands, with me no longer a member of the staff, I don’t have access to the probe’s data.”
“Huh, okay, so much for that area of study,” he said. “Come on, let’s get set up, and we’ll get started.”
Giddy got his recording equipment in position, the others arranged chairs so they could all sit and watch, and Jolt moved to get down on the floor in front of Crystal.
“It’s okay, little one, we won’t hurt you, and we’ll help you and Ibis. We biggies have to stick together, and we outcasts have to help each other, right?”
Crystal raised her hand without thinking.
Jolt gasped. “Interstellar! Did any of you see that? I did it, I communicated with Gem.”
Silence, everyone turned to gaze at the two of them, all of them dumbstruck.
“Damn, girl
, can’t you wait?” Giddy snapped. “I’m not ready yet.”
“Giddy, throw some dampening rods into your reactor, I was just talking to her. It’s okay, we can do it again.”
They did. Giddy got ready, Jolt and Ibis sat with Crystal, and they asked her a series of questions. Using her signals, she was able to answer most of them. The group was very impressed and did their version of applause at the end.
“Interstellar, Ibis,” Jolt said as they finished the tests. “There’s no doubt Gem possesses at least a rudimentary intelligence. No offense,” she added, turning to Crystal.
She just smiled and nodded.
“It really is a pity we can’t teach her a more detailed sign language,” Giddy said.
Ibis sighed. “I know, but our language doesn’t lend itself to that.”
Crystal understood. She’d seen some of their ‘words,’ their written language was like Japanese: pictograms to represent entire words or even phrases. Giddy worked to put away his equipment, Ibis was pulled aside by another friend, and Jolt offered Crystal a drink.
“Here you go, Gem, you’re probably worn out from all this work.”
Crystal drank while Jolt stared at her breasts.
“They are so big! And no young to nurse. It’s said that long ago, when we gestated young inside us, our females would become similarly engorged. I had no idea they could reach such massive proportions! Ah, if only, eh? But, we decided ecto-genesis was the better way. Oh, I’m sorry; you probably don’t understand half of what I’m saying.”
More than you could know, sister, more than you could know. Damn, I wish there was some way for us to commun—hey, what’s that?
Across the room, a woman was showing off her new invention. Crystal couldn’t hear everything, and only understood about half of what she did, but that wasn’t the important thing. What was the critical detail was that they could see the images on the screen and so could she! The machine looked like a giant Etch-a-Sketch on an easel and it had a paintbrush sort of thing on a long tether.
Huh, if I could use that thing I could write a message to them. No, it won’t work. They don’t know my writing. They’ll think it’s just random scribbles. Wait, a picture. Yeah, something Ibis will recognize. I got it! Now I just have to get to the thing. Oh, I hate to do this to her, she’s being so nice, but—
Looking around, Crystal waited for the right moment and… splash, she threw the drink in Jolt’s face. She jumped down, unclipped her leash, but held onto the end, and bolted across the room.
“Hey, what are you doing?” cried Jolt. “Someone grab that little pet, she’s gone wild.”
“Got her,” a man said, snagging the leash.
Crystal felt a tug and let go of her end. It had worked just as she’d expected. Diving between the legs of a woman in front of her, she snatched up the brush and started painting as fast as she could.
Come on, come on, big circle for the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mar—whoa!
Hands wrapped about her, she was pulled up and away from the machine, and the brush was torn from her grasp. The people passed her along until she reached a frowning Ibis, and he dragged her back to the stage.
“Gem, what got into you? How could you be so naughty? Sorry about this, folks, I think the stress and crowd got to her. I was hoping to avoid this, but it looks like you’re going to see how to discipline my little pet.”
Crystal strained against him and kept pointing at the board with her free hand. “Look, look at what I drew!”
“Ibis, the poor thing is scared,” Jolt said. “Listen to its sad wails. Don’t hurt her over me, it was just water.”
He sat and pulled her across his lap. “Don’t you make excuses for her,” he said, holding her tight. “Besides, I think you’ll all find this interesting.”
“You certainly got my attention,” Giddy said. “Ibis, why are you initiating lovemaking with her?”
Smack, his firm hand struck her poor bottom.
He chuckled. “Yes, I know for us this is foreplay, but this is yet another fascinating aspect of her body. This is considered punishment.”
A collective gasp resounded through the room and everyone drew nearer.
“Really?” Jolt said. “A spanking is not sexual for them? Incredible.”
Giddy struggled to set up his camera again. “Oh, I have got to record this. There is no way the Science Board will believe it without documentation.”
Crystal groaned between yelps as Ibis smacked and swatted away. Her bottom grew redder and hotter as her face turned bright red. A spanking was bad, in front of others it was terrible, but filmed to be shown in public later was the worst.
Damn, spanking is foreplay to these people? Talk about kinky, I’ve never heard of such a thing. Huh, no wonder Ibis is so good at it.
“Giddy, slow down,” Jolt said. “You’re going so fast you’re getting the settings all wrong.”
“Ouch,” came out of the speaker.
“I know, but I’m trying to get as much of this recorded as possible. Did I step on your foot or something?”
“No, why do you ask?”
“You said ‘ouch’ just then.”
“Ow, ouch!”
“No, I didn’t,” Jolt said.
“Sure you did. You just did it again.”
Ibis paused to grab the sound boom, which had been swinging about as Giddy spoke. “Would you both settle down? Goodness, I’m just trying to discipline my little pet here.”
“Ohhh, I’m sorry, but I—”
Crystal froze as she realized she was hearing herself twice.
“Wait a second,” Giddy said. “That’s not Jolt. That’s coming from the speaker.”
“What’s it picking up?” Ibis said.
“Just ambient room noise, but I accidentally pushed the setting into the high frequency range.”
“So, whose voice is that?” Jolt said.
Crystal smiled. “I think it’s mine.”
Ibis helped her down from his lap to stand next to him; his expression was one of total shock and awe.
“Gem, you can talk?”
“Crystal, actually, but I kind of like Gem as a nickname. It’s sweet, as are you, my friend. Thank you for all the pleasures you’ve given me in my time here. I’m so glad to be able to tell you now.”
“And I am grateful to you for the same. I also apologize for not deducing that your vocal range was beyond our ability to detect. I should have thought of that. My friends, let me make a proper introduction. This is my friend Crystal.”
There followed a near continuous stream of questions and Crystal was hard-pressed to keep up and (in some cases) answer some of them. She explained that she was just a waitress back on Earth and thus didn’t know a lot of technical stuff. She did explain and apologize about the drink and was able to finish her picture.
“Ah, I see,” Ibis said. “You were trying to draw your solar system. It was an attempt at communication and I punished you for it. Ge—Crystal, I apologize.”
She squirmed; he looked so hot when he got that sad look. “Oh, it’s okay, you didn’t know. Besides, if you spanked me for every naughty thing I’ve ever done in my life, I don’t think I’d ever sit again.”
Jolt shivered. “Oh, stop, you’re getting me hot! I mean, perhaps we should adjourn for the night.”
Chuckles echoed around them.
“Sounds like someone needs a good smacking,” a voice said.
Ibis took Crystal’s hand. “I agree, I mean, it’s late, and we should depart. We’ve had quite the meeting. Tomorrow is going to be especially busy.”
They all readily agreed with that, the meeting broke up, and Ibis borrowed Giddy’s recording equipment. On the drive home, Crystal sat up front, and they talked. Ibis wanted to know so much more about her world, about Earth. Sitting there, she again got a strange feeling deep inside her, deep in her pussy. The heat and sting of her spanking had dimmed and it had migrated to her pussy, and was tickling and teasing it. It was h
ard, but she managed to stay calm and keep her breathing under control. Still, the occasional bead of sweat trickled down her body.
“So, you’re just now venturing into space, and are about to journey to your closest satellite. Goodness, you are primitive; no offense intended.”
“None taken,” she said with a smile. “If our movie and TV shows are only a little accurate in how they show advanced worlds, we’re truly newcomers.”
“Crystal, are you happy here with me? Our probes are not supposed to abduct sentient beings, and for that I apologize.”
“It’s okay. Yes, when I first came here, I was terrified! All I could think about was getting home and warning the whole world about an alien invasion.”
“Invasion? You thought… ahhh, yes; we’ve encountered that sentiment from lower species before. Again, no offense intended. That’s why we use the surveyor probes. They search for signs of life, obtain a sample so we can assess the planet, and then we decide if contact is warranted.”
“I guess you won’t be paying us a visit anytime soon, huh?”
“No, you still have a lot of maturing to do,” he said, pulling in to park.
They got out and headed inside. As it was late, they prepared for bed. Ibis made sure to bring the recorder into the bedroom. He stripped down to his trousers and sat in a chair next to the bed, and grabbed a small bottle.
“Crystal, this is most exciting for me. I feel like it’s our first time.”
She chewed her lip and squirmed as she released her breasts from her top. “I… I feel the same way. I’m… I’m so happy we can… we can truly share it.”
“As am I, and I want to give you some relief,” he said, patting his lap. “Come; let me put some lotion on you to relieve your pain.”
“I… um, okay,” she said softly.
Trembling, her heart pounding, she slipped off her shorts and climbed into position. His hands descended. Her toes curled. The lotion began to swirl across her sore cheeks. She moaned and shivered. His touch was magical and the cooling effect of the lotion was like a match to the smoldering coals seated within her pussy. As his right hand continued to soothe her, his left knew just where to rub and caress so as to give her the massage of a lifetime.