His Pet Human Read online

Page 10

  “Ouch! Sorry, so sorry, pleeeease, no more,” she begged.

  Smack swat, two more whacks landed. It was clear he wasn’t going to let up. Crystal yelped and wailed, her fingers digging into the seat of the chair as she fought to hold position. Finally, the full dozen were done, and she lay across the chair. Her bottom throbbed.

  “Are you starting to learn your lesson, little pet?” he said.

  “Yes, sir, yes, I’ve learned. Please, sir, no more.”

  “Crystal, your offense was not merely against me, it was also against Flirt, and so it’s appropriate that she punish you as well. Flirt, here,” he said, handing her the paddle.

  Crystal shut her eyes and started to sob. Her ass was already on fire, another dozen would leave her black and blue, and unable to sit for days. A brief tap came to her tender flank, and then the paddle disappeared. Swat, it landed and she squealed, yet noticed something. It hadn’t been an especially hard whack, and considering Flirt’s obvious strength that was surprising.

  “I think that’s sufficient,” Flirt said.

  Crystal’s head snapped back and she craned her neck to look at her. “Huh?”

  “Flirt, what are you doing?” Ibis said.

  Her strong hand wrapped about Crystal’s upper arm and helped her to stand. “Ibis, the poor thing’s been punished enough. It’s clear to me that she… she loves you. No, that’s not right. She’s devoted to you, body and soul, and that tells me there’s more behind those eyes than just instinct. I was wrong about her when I thought she was just a dumb animal and you were a good for nothing big. I agree that it was wrong for her to do what she did, but I also understand why she did it.

  “Little pet, I don’t know how much of this you understand and if I’ll ever understand how you speak, but I want you to know I have no designs on your master anymore. It’s equally clear to me that he loves you. You should have seen him when he got the message that you were at Animal Control Center, he was beside himself. Yes, you two belong together, and I… I need to move on with my life.”

  Crystal, cupping her burning bottom, felt a much greater pain erupt inside her. A knife thrust to her soul. She knew love when she saw it, and Flirt was sacrificing her potential for happiness because of her love for Ibis. Now Crystal truly sobbed. Reaching out, she took ahold of Ibis’s hand in her left, Flirt’s in her right, and brought them together in front of her.

  “What’s she doing? Ibis, does this have some meaning in her culture?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think I get it. Crystal, does this signify what I think it does?”

  She nodded and sniffled. “Yes. Ibis, I love you and will gladly stay with you as your pet and even have your children, but I will not stand in the way of your happiness with Flirt. That isn’t right. You’re both Marians, you deserve to be together, if that’s what you want.”

  He bent down to kiss her forehead. “Never was a man so blessed. Crystal, all is forgiven, and your punishment is ended. As for Flirt and I, well… we’ll see where our relationship goes. For now, let’s sit dow—I mean, let’s have breakfast, and then we’ll get to the lab.”

  The ladies agreed and they all went to the kitchen, Crystal wincing and squeaking with each step. Ibis made them all a nice meal, Flirt even tried some bacon and eggs, and they ate together. Flirt asked about Crystal’s language, and Ibis offered to fit her with a translator.

  “Is Crystal okay with that?”

  She held up her hand.

  Flirt smiled. “In that case, I’d be honored.”

  “I’ll make one at the lab today. Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight, and we’ll all get to chat?”

  “I’d like that, but I have a get-together with my family tonight. Shall we say tomorrow?”

  He agreed. That made Crystal happy. Once they were done, she went to change and use the bathroom, and Ibis said goodbye to Flirt. Peeling off her unitard, Crystal checked out her poor ass in the mirror. She was beyond red, she was deep purple with some black and blue flecks and white-hot areas at her sit-spots. It was left to her imagination as to when she’d be able to sit again.

  The ride to the center was particularly tough.

  Once there, she had a lot to do. The platform had transmitted a huge amount of data, and now that they’d worked out a means of translating everything from Argentinean to Zulu, they wanted her to review everything. Ibis had to put his foot down and set up a reasonable work schedule for her. The day just about flew by, despite the horrid sting that lingered in her cheeks the whole time, and she was glad when it was time to go home. As they headed for the car, Zenith came running after them.

  “Ibis, apologies, I need to ask Crystal a question.”

  “Of course,” he said, and turned to her to confirm this.

  She raised her hand. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’ve been studying the visual presentations you call ‘ads,’ and I’ve noticed a large number concerning items I do not understand.”

  “Oh, which ones are they?”

  “You earthlings are quite concerned over bodily aromas. You seem to have a varying array of perfumes and antiperspirants to… improve them. Why is this?”

  “Well, our natural smells tend to be rather… terrible.”

  He cocked his head at her. “You can… detect these scents?”

  “Of course. What, can’t you?”

  “Not at all,” he replied.

  Ibis tapped his nose. “If you’ll note, my pet, our olfactory center is quite minimal. We can’t detect most aromas.”

  “Ohhh, I get it. Huh, aren’t you lucky? We get so stinky that a lot of times people can’t stand being around each other, and that’s when we need something to improve our scent.”

  Ibis rubbed his chin. “An aroma causing physical repulsion. Interesting. Zenith, I have an idea regarding that subject. Do you have some time to meet to discuss it?”

  “Not tonight, I’m very busy with the earthling analysis.”

  “All right, how about we get together tomorrow?”

  “Acceptable, I will text you my schedule once I get home and we can settle on a time.”

  They then departed, Crystal having to kneel in her seat for the drive home.

  “Ibis, what’d he mean by… ‘text you’? That doesn’t make sense to me.”

  He chuckled. “It’s a shorthand way of saying he’ll send me a message, he’ll write out some text and transmit it to me, and then we can exchange data.”

  “Wow, your technology never ceases to amaze me. But, is something wrong? You seem upset.”

  “No, I merely have the start of a theory, and I wish to pursue it.”

  “What is it, can you tell me?”

  He smiled at her. “Of course, my pet. After our talks about our sexual issues, I got curious, and delved into the history of the matter. It turns out that yes; we started the ecto-genesis program to raise fertility to help boost the population as the off-world colonies grew larger. Initially, it worked; couples were presented with healthy babies and the women remained fertile.”

  “And interested, right?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, that too. Then, quite suddenly, they started to change. According to the records, the scientists theorized that a hormonal adjustment was taking place when the women would lactate and nurse. So, they altered the program, they produced young that were age five, beyond nursing age.”

  “Your children nurse until they’re five? Wow, ours are done much faster.”

  “For ours, it’s five, they are helpless infants until then, and in the course of a year they become a full child, and then comes the change.”


  “Yes, about a year later, they hear what we refer to as ‘The Call,’ and they go off to the Time Mountains.”

  “Time… Mountains?”

  “Correct, there are rivers and waterfalls there that they drink from, and when they come back down a few months later they’re full adults.”

  “Adults? Wow, you jump rig
ht over the whole teen angst crap and stuff. So, that worked for a while too, right?”

  “Yes, and now it’s stopped, and they can’t figure out why. They’ve analyzed countless women and children, and can’t find a causal link. Well, I have an idea, and Zenith and I are going to check it out. Ah, we’re home. Come on, I’m hungry.”

  They climbed out, Crystal stifling a yelp, and went inside. He refused to say more about his tests with Zenith and it was quickly clear that they were expecting company for dinner: a third setting at the table. Yet, how could it be Flirt? She said she was busy tonight. Had she canceled her family meeting? When the door buzzed, she was told to answer it, and she reluctantly plodded for the door. She hoped it was Zenith, but suspected otherwise, yet still couldn’t imagine who it would be.

  It was Jolt, the big lady from the secret meeting Ibis had taken her to. Crystal’s jaw dropped at the sight of her. Not only did she have major jugs, at least double-double Ds, she was in a sparkling blue and silver gown, the little flecks of silver shimmered like twinkling stars, and high heels.

  “What the hell?” Crystal choked out. She shook her head. “I mean, you look very nice tonight. Please come in.”

  Jolt smiled and sauntered in. Given her height and build, her incredibly curvy ass was practically at Crystal’s eye level.

  “Thank you, little one,” Jolt said, turning to her. “You look nice too.”

  “Wha—wait, you understand me?”

  She giggled and tapped the side of her head. “Got mine today. Part of the reason I asked to come by. I’ve been studying some of the data on Earth and I have some questions. May we speak of them?”

  “I… ah, I guess,” Crystal managed to say.

  Ibis entered at that moment. “Ah, now my evening is complete, two lovely ladies. Come, sit, eat, dinner is served.”

  It was off to the formal dining room to partake of a wonderful meal.

  Chapter Ten

  The only aspect of dinner where they failed to agree was on the point about sitting. Crystal still couldn’t, which led to questions from Jolt and a detailed answer from Ibis. Much to Crystal’s embarrassment, it earned her the classic ‘tut-tut’ scolding from Jolt.

  “Really, Crystal, such disobedience, such wanton jealousy? You make me reconsider my proposal.”

  “Proposal?!” Crystal squealed, practically going up on her tiptoes. She winced, the clenching of her butt muscles making her ache. Calming down, she cleared her throat. “I mean, what did you want to pro… ah, say?”

  She laid it all out. Apparently she and the other big women were wondering about human males. So far, all the focus had been on the females and their usefulness, but many of the images coming from Earth showed quite the strong and, apparently, virile men. Jolt and her friends wondered if such males would make good pets.

  Huh, I’d love to see my old sadist boyfriend Ralph caged and sold to Jolt, but she deserves better. “To be honest with you, I don’t know much about the men back home, but I’m sure plenty of them would find you and your friends most desirable.”

  She beamed. “Really? That is quite good news. Unfortunately, our men don’t seem to care for us, even our fellow bigs.”

  “Jolt, it’s merely personal preferences,” Ibis said.

  “Yes, yes, we know, and the desire for normal-sized children. We ladies want the same.”

  Crystal stepped closer to her. “Well, given how gorgeous you are, plenty of Earth men would be lining up to throw themselves at your feet.”

  “Really? You think so?”

  “Absolutely. By the way, when did you get your breas—um, did you get… enhanced?”

  She grinned and slipped her hands under her massive breasts to cup and lift them. “You like? It was after that meeting Ibis brought you to. The men were positively wild about yours, and I thought they would help me and the other ladies. It was easy enough to formulate a hormone extract. Then, while you were away being tested by the board, he was quite lonely, and came to another meeting. He mentioned your special shoes, at length, and I thought they would help too.”

  Awww, he missed me! “All I can say is that I think virtually any human male who saw you would love and worship you in an instant.”

  Jolt turned to Ibis. “What do you say?”

  “Agreed, I’ll add a scan for males to the platform’s operating system.”

  After that, the conversation shifted to more casual subjects, some of which Crystal didn’t understand, and finally they said their good nights. She and Ibis prepared for bed with a bath together, but she got no relief for her aching bottom, and no sex. He told her that would come in the morning. Still, just being close to him made her feel better. The warmth of his hands rubbing her, the feel of his massive chest and broad shoulders as she scrubbed him, and then the gentleness of his caresses to her breasts, stomach, thighs, and ass all combined to ease her stresses.

  After drying each other off, they went to bed, and she fell asleep with his arms wrapped about her. A very good way to end the day.

  In the morning, she awoke to find large hands caressing her between her legs. Her pussy lock was gone.

  “Good morning, my pet,” he said with a smile. “Time for fun!”

  She squealed in delight as he enveloped her. Legs intertwined, arms wrapped about her, lips met lips, and she felt her passion rise in an instant. His hands slid down her back, across her breasts, dipped between her legs to ‘encourage’ her, and then cupped and squeezed her bottom. The lingering sting and heat in both cheeks were immediately thrust deep inside her. She moaned and raked her fingers across his firm and rippling chest. It was clear no foreplay spanking was needed this morning! Easing her down onto the bed, his rock-hard cock effortlessly entered her as he slid her across the sheets. Her back arched. The pleasure of his organ mixed with the painful friction across her tender cheeks set fire to her pussy.

  She lost it, screamed out the first of multiple orgasms, and practically glowed with pure delight as they sat down to eat.

  “Crystal, I have to go with Zenith today to the Chief Medical Records Center. We’re going to see about getting data to support our theory. So, I asked Flirt to drop you off and pick you up, but she reminded me that I can’t do that.”

  “You can’t?”

  “As a pet, you can’t be out without your owner. So, you’ll have to stay in today. Can I trust you to behave, or do I have to cage you?”

  She shrank down in her seat. “I’ll be good.”

  “All right then. Just remember, Flirt is coming over tonight, for dinner, and you will be nice to her, is that clear?”

  “Y-y-yes, sir.”

  “Good girl,” he said with a smile. “Now, come alone, I’ll get you ready for the day, and then be off.”

  Crystal bit her lip wondering what that meant, but didn’t dare ask. They returned to the bedroom, he sat on the bed, and patted his lap. She squirmed, but didn’t protest, and meekly crawled into position. Lying there, she shivered, wondering what he had planned, and then her jaw dropped at his touch between her legs. Her chastity device was going back inside her. Once locked in place, he added her tail, helped her up, and then got her a snug little crop top and shorts to wear. They were special; they had a hole to let her tail hang out.

  He smiled down at her. “Ah, so pretty; I do so love to see you in clothes that show off your lovely figure. Now, as a new feature, I’ve upgraded your ‘protection.’ It has a tracker in it. If you ever again wander off, I can find you. So, you won’t do that, will you?”

  “No, sir.”

  Ibis then got ready to go himself, but turned to her before walking out the door.

  “Crystal, when was the last time I told you how much I love you?”

  She smiled. “About five minutes ago.”

  “That long? I shall try to do better in the future.”

  “Ibis, what are you trying not to say?”

  “I merely wish you to know how special and important you are to me, and that if you feel th
reatened by Flirt, please tell me. A single word from you and I will end a relationship with her before it begins.”

  A huge lump formed in her throat and tears filled her eyes. “I… I don’t know what to say. Can I think about it for a while?”

  “You have until tonight. I must give her an answer soon. It is a tradition among our people that we do not, ah… what is the saying? Ah, we do not string people along.”

  “Okay, I’ll tell you when you get home.”

  He smiled, hugged and kissed her, with a little pat to her bottom included, and departed. She stayed there in the atrium for the longest time, just sitting on the floor, lost in thought. She thought a lot. Her mind carried her back to her time at the lab, the night she waited for the scientists to study her. The same contradictory feelings washed over her. She was trapped, yet in control. Ibis owned her, yet his love for her was so strong that he was willing to sacrifice a ‘normal’ relationship with a woman if it made her happy.

  Never in her life had she felt more loved.

  That was the moment she made her decision. Ibis didn’t merely own her physical body; he possessed her, all that she was: mind, body, spirit, and he could do with her what he wanted. She had absolute trust and faith in him, and she wanted nothing more than to be used by him however he chose. That decision was quite liberating. To celebrate her decision, she decided to work. She figured it was the least she could do to help her master. So, she watched a bunch of news programs, even the really boring ones, and dictated a long report. After lunch, she did some more, and then got an idea.

  Ibis had taught her about the hologram machine, a little, and she understood it, a little. The idea of Ibis being with Flirt both enraged and enthralled her, especially the prospect of them ‘doing it’ right in front of her! Moving to the bedroom, she took the remote control and climbed inside her cage. She tried to create a three-D movie of Ibis and Flirt together, but it didn’t work out the way she wanted. All she was able to make was them sitting on the bed and kissing.